Athens-Oconee Skin Cancer & Dermatology, LLC

Athens-Oconee Skin Cancer & Dermatology, LLC

1582 Mars Hill Road Ste. A
Watkinsville GA 30677
Phone: 706-769-7546 (SKIN)
Fax: 706-769-2443

What is a Dermatologist? A dermatologist is a physician who has completed four years of medical school followed by a residency in dermatology for 3-4 years.

What is a Dermatopathologist? A dermatopathologist is a physician who has completed their residency in dermatology and pathology and has an additional 1-2 years of training in dermatopathology.

skin care, spider leg vein injections, microdermabrasion, innovative skin care, skin care, blemishesBeing certified by the Board of Dermatology is one of the most prestigious achievements that can be accomplished by a physician. Not only does it ensure that you are receiving quality care, you can rest assured that your physician has met all the necessary guidelines as mandated by the board and is qualified to treat all types of skin diseases as well as perform the most advanced techniques related to cosmetic procedures.

At Athens-Oconee Skin Cancer & Dermatology, LLC, Dr. Bulengo and her staff are qualified to treat acne, cysts, eczema, hair loss, moles, psoriasis, rashes, skin cancers and growths. Dr. Bulengo’s training in dermatopathology enables her to provide an accurate and timely microscopic diagnosis. CLIA Certified Lab. You can rely on Dr. Bulengo, the director of the lab; she is present before, during and after each and every procedure.

We specialize in:

* General Dermatology (children, adolescents and adults)
Treating and diagnosing diseases of the skin, hair and nails, acne, warts, rashes, eczema, rosacea and nail fungus.
* Dermatologic Surgery and Melanoma Detection
* Skin Cancer Detection, Biopsies and Treatment
* Outside Pathology Slide Consultations

Cosmetic Dermatology:

* Laser Hair Removal
* Laser for Vascular Lesions and Rosacea
* Botox R for Facial Lines and Axillary Excessive Sweating
* Facial Fillers: Restylane, JuveDerm, Radiesse and Sculptra
* Spider Leg Vein Injections
* Microdermabrasion
* Chemical Peels and Skin Rejuvenating products by DCL, IS Clinical
* Laser Hair Removal and Vascular
* Sclerotherapy For Legs Spider Veins
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