Byrd Medical & Anti-Aging Center
Byrd Medical & Anti-Aging Center
1050 Crabapple Road
Building B
Roswell, Georgia 30075
Telephone 770-587-1711
Toll Free: 1-866-671-5633
FAX: 770-518-8810
Atlanta Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted hair for both men and women can be a nightmare. Getting rid of it can be painful. Until recently the only options for hair removal were smelly hair removal creams, sharp razors, sticky wax or painful electrolysis needles. Our advanced approach to beautiful skin provides the ultimate solution. Now, men and women alike will be pleased with the newest techniques in laser hair reduction.
Laser hair reduction uses a low-energy laser to gently remove unwanted hair to deliver longer lasting results. Because the laser treats more than one hair at a time, it is possible to treat larger areas such as the back, shoulders, arms, legs and face. Laser treatments leave your skin looking and feeling smoother and silkier. Best of all, laser hair reduction treatments are a safe, fast, gentle and effect alternative method for hair reduction.
Am I a candidate for laser hair reduction?
The absolute requirement is that one's hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Very darkly pigmented or tanned patients absorb too much laser energy in their skin and require specialized lasers for their treatments. Byrd Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Center has the proper lasers to treat all skin types effectively.
What will it cost for laser hair reduction for me?
Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Large areas, such as the entire back, or the entire legs, cost considerably more than small areas, such as the upper lip. The number of treatments varies according to the area treated since hair follicles in different areas respond differently. Individual consultation is necessary to obtain exact pricing.
Influence of skin color on laser hair reduction
Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower, more sessions are needed, and greater expertise is required. Laser hair removal must be individualized for each patient.
Influence of hair color on laser hair reduction
Dark hair absorbs more laser energy and is easier to treat. Coarse dark hair responds the best to laser treatment. Light hair is more difficult to treat. Blonde or red hair is very difficult to treat. Multiple treatment sessions are required and results are variable. Blonde or red hair usually contains pheomelanin, which absorbs laser energy less avidly than the eumelanin pigment which is present in black or brown hair.
Why are multiple treatments needed?
All hair is in one of three stages of growth at any given time; anagen, catagen or telogen. A hair's active growth phase is called the anagen phase. During the anagen phase, the hair contains an abundance of melanin. The catagen phase is the regression phase when the lower part of the hair stops growing but is not shed, and the follicle is reabsorbed. The resting phase is called the telogen phase, during which the old hair falls out in preparation for the development of new hair. Studies have shown that laser hair reduction treatments are most effective when hair is in the active or anagen phase. It is during this phase when melanin, the target of the laser light, is most abundant.
What areas can be treated?
Any area, except adjacent to the eye, where there is excess hair. The most common areas requested are the face, upper lip, neck, chest, periareolar (nipple area), underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line, and legs.
About 'permanent' hair reduction by laser
Laser hair reduction results in a dramatic reduction in hair follicles and the results are long-lasting, but this procedure does not guarantee 'permanent' removal of hair. Although the vast majority of hair follicles are destroyed, a few of the follicles are able to regenerate which may result in the need for additional treatments over the years. The laser treatments cause the hair to come back slower and thinner and the results tend to be additive, i.e. more treatments lead to greater degrees of permanent hair reduction. For any given patient, results cannot be precisely predicted. Results can be variable, even with the best lasers.
Pulsed light (IPL) and laser hair reduction
IPLs are not lasers because they emit broadband light of many different wavelengths. Most of the light energy is in the shorter wavelengths making treatment of darker skin types less effective and more risky than with a laser properly selected for the patient's skin and hair type. These devices are in practice more difficult to adjust than lasers and require great expertise for their proper use. Lasers are by far the safest and most predictable method of hair reduction. IPL treatments are the most likely to result in blistering.
Guarantees in laser hair reduction.
It is impossible to predict the exact result a patient will achieve with laser hair reduction, especially with regard to how many sessions a given individual will require. Many of the hair reduction clinics which guaranteed results have gone out of business. Like most reputable medical practices, the most established laser hair reduction practices do not guarantee results.
Discount laser hair reduction clinics.
Established medical centers with excellent reputations do not discount their fees. Patients know their reputations and rely upon their experience and expertise. The same is true for laser hair reduction. Consumers are advised, as with all forms of medical care, to seek the center of highest quality rather than lowest cost. Laser hair reduction requires exacting science, individual attention, experience, and a trained, caring, professional staff.
Laser hair reduction limitation of effectiveness.
Contrary to the statements of those unfamiliar with this new technology, laser hair reduction is effective when properly performed for the great majority of candidates. Non-responders are usually limited to those with blonde or red hair.
Tanning and laser hair reduction.
Tanning and laser hair reduction are not compatible. Tanning prior to the procedure will necessitate turning the laser power down, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.
Adverse treatment reactions.
Pigmentary change of the skin treated can occur, including either dark or light areas. Pigmentary changes may persist for months, but are almost always temporary. They are very rare in patients with fair skin who are untanned. Blisters and burns are rare but occasionally occur, particularly in patients with dark skin.
Diet and laser hair reduction.
Diet is generally unrelated, except for Beta Carotene, which interferes with the treatment.
Beta-Carotene and laser hair reduction.
Beta Carotene, found in carrots, vitamin A supplements, squash, and other vegetables, is deposited in the skin producing a subtle orange or yellow color in the skin. This pigment absorbs laser energy, preventing it from reaching the hair follicle, and increasing the absorption of laser energy in the skin. Beta carotene persists for months after ingestion. Patients interested in the best results from laser hair removal will benefit from discontinuation of the use of all forms of beta carotene.
Laser hair reduction for African-Americans.
The darker one's skin, the more difficult it is to obtain adequate results from laser hair reduction. The darker one's skin the more sessions one requires. Newer lasers can now provide effective laser hair reduction for most patients, no matter what their skin type.
Who should not have laser hair reduction?
Patients with a recently acquired dark tan. Blondes or redheads with any recent tan. People of color with fine, light hair. Anyone who cannot afford multiple sessions (one treatment is rarely adequate).
Contact Byrd Aesthetic Today!
Please contact us to request a consultation today. Call toll free 1.866.671.563
