Eagle's Landing Skin Enhancement & Vein Center
Eagle's Landing Skin Enhancement & Vein Center
1325 Rock Quarry Road, Suite 200
Stockbridge, GA 30281
For permanent hair removal, electrolysis is popular and effective. However, electrolysis can be uncomfortable and slow. Each follicle is treated with an electric current through a needle to destroy the hair root's ability to grow. Electrolysis is painful and typically takes months or more of regular visits to achieve long term removal. Even for small areas, like the upper lip.
In the past, electrolysis was the only option for effective hair removal. Now lasers offer a more efficacious solution. LightSheer Diode Laser is a state-of-the-art system specially designed to remove unwanted hair faster with less discomfort, with more reliability than many other methods.
The length of a session may be a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the area being treated. Because the laser treats hair follicles that are in an active growth phase, more than one treatment is required to disable hair follicles that have not yet entered into this phase. Laser treatment may cause a slight tingling sensation, but patients tolerate the procedure well. Because some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, topical anesthesia is available.. Although the appearance after a laser session will vary depending on the extent of the treatment and skin type, immediate after-effects, if any, are minor. Most people return to normal activity immediately. We will be happy to tell you more about your treatment and what you can expect during your free consultation.
A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted by the LightSheer Diode Laser is well absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment, disabling numerous follicles at a time to eliminate or significantly impede the hair’s regrowth. Importantly, LightSheer’s special contact-cooling handpiece is perfect for sensitive skin. It protects and cools the upper layer of the skin before, during, and after each pulse while directing the laser energy to the hair root. The combination of the skin cooling and other key laser parameters allows safe and effective treatment of all skin types and colors. Additionally, we are one of the few centers that have a longer duration of the laser pulse which allows us to treat even darker skin effectively. Lasers are fast becoming a widely used tool due to the quick and permanent hair reduction. Laser technology is safe, effective and easily performed.
Will I feel pain?
Only minimal pain with topical anesthetic. You may feel a slight stinging sensation.
What is the cost?
Cost will vary from as low as $75.00 per treatment. The cost is dependent upon on the area. Larger areas, of course, cost more.
How many treatments are needed?
Most people will need 6-8 treatment sessions anywhere from 4 weeks to 3 months apart depending on the area being treated.
Can you treat dark or black skin?
Absolutely! Using the new 400ms pulse width we can treat even the darkest skin
