Hailey, Brody, Casey & Wray, M.D., P.C.
Hailey, Brody, Casey & Wray, M.D., P.C.
1218 West Paces Ferry Road, Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Phone: (404) 525-7409
Fax: (404) 522-0608
Laser Hair Removal by our Atlanta dermatology practice involves shaving the skin the day before and passing a mildly warm laser over the area to be removed of hair. The laser works best on a fair skinned individual with dark hair, but most skin colors can be treated. Permanent hair reduction is expected, usually by 60-80%, depending on area. Permanent hair removal in an area is not always possible, but remaining hair may be very fine and light.
No tattoos or permanent eyeliner should be exposed to the laser. Anyone with a history of herpes on the area should take their antiviral medicines beginning on the day of the procedure for 3 days. If tanned, blistering may occur from the treatment, and the treatment will be less effective. Do not use self-tanning cream, make-up, or deodorant. Darker skin types may use a skin bleach before treatment. No one who is pregnant, sunburned, flared with eczema, or with collagen or light-sensitive diseases (Lupus, Dermato, KS, Vitiligo) should be treated. Retin-A, LacHydrin or Glycolic Acid should be discontinued for 4 days before the procedure. Patients having had Accutane or a medium or deep peel or laser resurfacing for wrinkles or scarring, or liposuction in the area may require special precautions.
After Laser Hair Removal, use a sunscreen moisturizer of 30 or higher (Eucerin or Purpose) for at least 48 hours, and avoid strenuous exercise, sunlight, heat, and a Buf-Puf for 48 hours to prevent excessive redness, sensitivity, scarring, or bumps from the procedure. Either no symptoms or a little redness for 2-6 hours may occur. If blisters develop, do not scrub the area, and apply Polysporin ointment. Scarring and permanent pigmentary problems, too much or too little, are possible but extremely rare. If swelling occurs apply ice in a soft cloth and continue as directed. Do not tweeze, wax, or remove hair by any method except shaving after the treatments have started or for three weeks before treatment. Do not wear panties or tight jeans for 2-3 days after bikini line treatments to avoid blistering.
The treated hair will push out in approximately 2 weeks. Then there will be a certain amount of loss in 4 weeks in many patients. Facial laser hair removal takes about an hour or less; nonfacial areas 1-3 hours or more. One to four treatments every month or every other month is necessary, especially on nonfacial areas. Regrowth occurs sparsely and slowly. Complete hair removal is not possible.
Approximate single-treatment costs are $250-300 for a single small area ( upper lip or bikini line) and $600 for a face or male back or chest single treatment.
For maximum safety, your Laser Hair Removal procedure will be performed under the direct, on-site supervision of a dermatologist / dermatologic surgeon, a physician that has expertise in the skin and hair.
