Northwest Georgia Dermatology
Northwest Georgia Dermatology
103 John Maddox Drive
Rome, GA 30165
Phone: (706) 235-7711
Toll Free: (888) 969-3376
Fax: (706) 235-9944
A New Solution: IPL EpiLight
Finally, a new treatment solution produces long-lasting results across the full range of unwanted hair problems. This breakthrough technology uses broadband, intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to damage or destroy hair follicles for long-term hair removal. Called the IPL EpiLight System, this device has been shown to be a successful method for reducing unwanted, unsightly hairs. Numerous published studies in professional medical journals attest to EpiLight's safety and long-term effectiveness.
EpiLight uses a hair removal process called photo-epilation, which is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. This means that the light energy is absorbed in the target hair follicles while sparing the surrounding, healthy tissue. Unlike conventional laser systems, EpiLight utilizes a broad light spectrum with wavelengths ranging from 590 to 1200 nm (green, yellow, orange, red and infrared). It also emits light energy in very carefully timed bursts, or pulses, to:
* maximize the effectiveness of the treatment
* decrease the risk of scarring or other skin tissue damage
* minimize any patient discomfort
EpiLight treats the hair by directing light energy through a light guide placed on the patient's skin. A thin layer of transparent gel covers the treatment area to focus the light energy and cool the top skin layer. The light energy heats and damages the hair follicle, typically causing the hair itself to fall out from the follicle. The IPL EpiLight technology allows your physician to provide a procedure that is gentle and non-invasive, with nominal side effects.
With its powerful, innovative software, EpiLight's treatment parameters can be selected by your physician according to an individual's specific skin color,
