Premier Medical Weight Loss and Day Spa

Premier Medical Weight Loss and Day Spa

5859 Abercorn Street, Suite 5
Savannah, GA 31405
Phone: 912.353.8188
Toll Free: 866.517.BODY(2639)
Fax: 912.353.8190

Unwanted hair growth has plagued both men and women for years. Epilators, electrolysis and waxing are too painful and shaving can be a chore. We at Premier Medical Weight Loss and Day Spa offer painless hair removal through the use of a Fotona 1064 nd:YAG laser. This remarkable piece of equipment utilizes a computer scanner that allows for perfect overlap of the laser energy that cannot be matched by even the most skilled laser practitioner. This laser is FDA approved for all skin types and can be safely used on any area where unsightly hair growth occurs. You can throw away those razors and spend your time on more important things.

Prices start as low as $109 per treatment, price is customized based on area to be treated and amount of hair to be treated.

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