The Spa at Stonecrest
The Spa at Stonecrest
8052 Mall Parkway, Suite 104
Lithonia, Georgia 30038
Phone: 678-672-4100
Fax: 678-904-8330
Laser Hair Removal
Sick of the unwanted hair growth? How about wasting time shaving every single day just to keep up with new growth? You might be surprised how easy it is to permanently reduce or remove unwanted body or facial hair.
The laser hair removal process involves sending a gentle beam of laser energy through the skin to the hair follicle, where the energy is absorbed by the hair and transformed into heat. This process destroys the hair follicle, preventing new hair from growing.
Because the laser energy is naturally attracted to the dark color (also called meliane) found in hair, the best candidates for permanent laser hair removal are those with dark hair. Those with hair that is not black (i.e. red, blond, grey) will benefit less (if not at all) because the Laser is not able to identify and attack hair that does not have a lot of melaine in it. Laser hair removal usually does not work for those with light colored or red hair.
The Spa at Stonecrest uses Cutera's 1064 Nd:Yag laser technology to give you virtually painless laser hair removal. Our lasers offer contact cooling and we also provide the use of a Zimmer cooler for increased patient comfort and safety.
Most patients require a series of 5-10 treatments from over 10-12 months. Multiple treatments are required because hairs grow in staggered cycles - that is, what you see growing this month, will be different for what is growing next month - and may or may not be what is growing the subsequent month. Because every person's growth pattern is unique, the number of initial treatments will vary. Sometimes hair may seem to come back a little thicker after a laser treatment - we view this as success because laser synchronizes the growth cycles. This will give us more follicular targets at your next sessions, allowing for greater hair removal on subsequent treatment days.
Even following a completed treatment cycle, it is possible to experience some scattered (but extremely reduced) re-growth. Often this re-occurrence can be addressed by a once or twice a year single treatments - we call this a touch up.
Laser hair removal is an extremely safe and fast process and involves little or no recovery time. Some redness or swelling may occur following the treatment, but will disappear quickly. Compared to other hair removal options, laser treatment is much more comfortable and effective.
What is the actual laser hair removal procedure like?
It's a rather remarkable procedure when you stop to think about it. During the procedure your physician or certified laser technician will pass a handheld laser over your skin and zap thousands of hairs, one after the other. When the laser light passes through your skin's surface it reaches the tiny sacs underneath, which are called hair follicles.
Each follicle contains a bulb that germinates a hair shaft. When light reaches your hair follicles, it temporarily generates enough heat to destroy the follicles and bulbs. If the procedure is successful, your old hair falls out and new hair doesn't grow back. Pretty nifty, isn't it?
The one main downer to this form of hair removal is that you have to repeat visits to get all the hair. Since hair grows in staggered cycles, and the laser only removes current growth, you have to go back over a period of months to completely erase all possible hair follicles. The exciting news is that most people see a hair removal of 60 to 95 percent within six months. It is possible to have hair grow back in small areas but this hair is usually very fine and light in color. At this time, very blonde and gray hairs are not treatable with laser light; however, technology is trying to correct this and may be available in the future!
When will I start to see the results of my laser hair removal treatment?
When the laser light passes through your skin's surface it reaches tiny sacs underneath which are called hair follicles. Each follicle contains a bulb that germinates a hair shaft. When light reaches your hair follicles, it temporarily generates enough heat to destroy the follicles and bulbs. If the procedure is successful, your old hair falls out and new hair doesn't grow back.
Some lasers destroy the hair immediately and burn it, which can cause the treated area to appear as if all of the hair was terminated for several weeks. Re-growth will begin, but won't be as dense or coarse as before.
Laser hair removal requires repeat visits to get all of the hair. Since hair grows in staggered cycles, and the laser only removes current growth, you have to go back over a period of months to completely erase all possible hair follicles. The exciting news is that most people see a hair removal of 60 to 95 percent within six months. It is possible to have hair grow back in small areas but this hair is usually very fine and light in color. For small areas like the lip, underarm, or bikini, you will come in every 4-6 weeks while for larger areas like the back or chest, you will come in every 8 weeks due to the differences in the hair growth patterns in these areas.
You will have to continue to come back for additional treatments until all the hair follicles have been decreased. This is because your hair will grow at varying speeds over time. Remember that you will need several repeat visits to achieve your desired results, but that once you're there, it will require very little maintenance. You may need to come in for a maintenance visit once or twice a year.
How much does laser hair removal cost?
The Spa at Stonecrest is a solution provider for getting rid of unwanted hair once and for good! Our goal is to provide our clients with long term solutions to unwanted hair. Therefore we price our Laser Hair removal services in packages starting at five treatments. By selling packages, we enable our clients to have good to best results consistently. Please understand that good results may require additional treatments to become "better results" and additional treatments to obtain the "best results". A personal interview providing one-on-one experience with your skin during a treatment session will allow us to determine if you will require five treatments to get "good results" or if five treatments will yield the "best results" for you.
In large cities, and especially in wealthy areas, the price can be quite competitive. Many laser hair removal providers will offer excellent package pricing depending on what part of the body you're interested in treating. Remember that much of the cost involved is related to the amount of time it takes to treat an area, so look for a laser that can treat quickly and ask your provider what kind of laser they use. Not all lasers can be used on all skin types.
Some of our laser hair removal prices include:
* Upper lip: $75 per treatment
* Underarms: $150 per treatment
* Bikini area: $150 per treatment
* Neck: $100 per treatment
* Chin: $100 per treatment
As you can see, the prices at The Spa at Stonecrest are quite competitive and will give you great results for the money you spend with us! Also, if you purchase our Laser packages specials (inquire at front desk), many times we will add laser hair removal as an extra benefit at no cost to you!
What are the risks and complications associated with laser hair removal?
Although complications are rare, some of the temporary complications may include pain, swelling, redness and blisters, and permanent complications may include scarring and skin discoloration. Some of this depends upon you - please be honest with us about your sun exposure as it will determine how much laser light your skin can tolerate with minimal risk of side effects.
One of the complications that has surfaced recently is related to overuse of numbing cream, or lidocaine toxicity. Two young women died recently -- one in Tucson, Arizona, and another in Raleigh, North Carolina, -- as a result of using too much numbing cream before getting hair removal done at laser clinics.
According to published reports, the two women completely coated their legs in the cream while at home and then suffered a toxic reaction on their way to the laser clinics, which led to coma and then death. Detractors blame the fact that compounding pharmacies, where the creams were made, are largely unregulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
With the Cutera's Nd:YAG lasers, topical anesthesia is rarely necessary so this is a risk you don't have to worry about at The Spa at Stonecrest.
Other risks in laser hair removal can include either darkening or lightening of skin, swelling, inflammation, and infected hair follicles. Laser hair removal is particularly challenging for those with tans or darker skin colors. However, our years of experience and extensive use of the Nd:YAG laser has virtually eliminated skin of color being a challenge or a problem. Our consultation with you will best determine if you are an appropriate candidate for laser hair removal.
What are the benefits of Laser Hair Removal?
Many people have experienced great benefits from permanent hair reduction with laser hair removal. Women who have been plucking, tweezing and waxing for years (many have developed skin problems as a result of this consistence irritation) can finally quit spending money every few weeks. Men with razor (hair) bumps that have resulted in skin damage and constant itching and inflammation can finally find relief.
Cosmetically, it's a wonderful thing to have little or no underarm hair and a clean bikini line for summer without worrying that you missed a spot.
The stigma is gone, and the laser technology is here to stay. More people are doing it than you know, and it's worth it. The sooner you begin, the faster you can get the desired results you are seeking!
So how long does it last? Once you have completed a full series of treatments, you should see permanent reduction for life. Because we have thousands of hair follicles, it's possible that not every single one will be destroyed, so look for a package or a provider that will let you come back later on for follow-ups to catch a few stragglers.
How Can Men Benefit From Laser Hair Removal?
Men are sexy. No matter how you dress them, undress them, look at them, or talk to them--basically the male body is just plain hot! But what if you've got a great figure and look like a woolly mammoth. If you've got hair on your chest, and all over your back, today's trend in body hair is not on your side.
Well, you're in luck because today there are options for guys like you, and they're not just in the form of a nice hot wax. Laser Hair Removal is the best route you can take to remove all the undesirable furry accompaniments but still refrain from painful tortures only women boast about experiencing. Still need convincing? Read on to discover the wonderful advantages to getting a full body laser hair removal treatment...or just selected areas, whatever floats your boat.
Laser Hair Removal: What it is, What it does
When you have hair removed with a laser you are essentially shooting beams of high intensity light onto the hair follicle, killing the follicle at its root and preventing future hair growth from that area. When you conduct this procedure over a large area of hair you remove, as expected, large quantities of hair. This is good news for men who want to ignore razors, ignore waxes and just get on with their smooth-skinned life.
So what happens once you get to the doctor's office? During the procedure your physician will pass a handheld laser over your skin and zap thousands of hairs at a time. When the laser light passes through your skin's surface it reaches tiny sacs underneath which are called hair follicles. Each follicle contains a bulb that germinates a hair shaft. When light reaches your hair follicles, it temporarily generates enough heat to destroy the follicles and bulbs. If the procedure is successful, your old hair falls out and new hair doesn't grow back.
How Long Do Laser Hair Removal Sessions Last?
The length of your session depends on the area of hair that you wish to remove and the type of laser the doctor uses. For example, if you only want to remove hair around your eyebrows you can expect to be done in 5 to 10 minutes. If, however, you want to totally remake your back then expect at least an hour. The process may not be ultra fast, but the results are certainly worth the wait. Check with your provider to see what type of laser hair removal technology they offer.
You will have to continue to come back for additional treatments until all the hair follicles have been deceased. This is because your hair will grow at varying speeds over time. If you treat today, you'll kill off the current set of hair follicles, but new ones will emerge in a couple weeks and these will also have to be treated.
Again, the total time between start and complete hair loss varies according to the individual's hair quantity and desired results. But on average you can plan on reaching your goals over the course of a few months. Your doctor can advise you on a realistic timeline.
Costs and Risks
So this whole laser hair removal sounds really great, but as with every wonderful thing in life, there is a catch. In this case, it comes in the shape of cute squiggles and lines, also known and dollars and cents. Depending on how much you need to remove depends on how much you are willing to pay. The current range of price of laser hair removal can be as low as $75/treatment for upper lip or eyebrows for women and up to $600/treatment for a full back or more.
Remember that you will need several repeat visits to achieve your desired results, but once you're there it will require very little maintenance. Many medical spas or doctors will offer a limited guarantee with the purchase of a package so that if a few stragglers appear next year, you can have them taken care of. Risks are relatively mild as everything takes place on the surface of your skin. The worst case scenario is that you get scarring and skin discoloration. But if you make sure and see a qualified professional you do not need to worry about these effects. Several kinds of lasers are available depending on what you want the end result to look like, so talk to your doctor and discuss your goals. He or she will be happy to explain the differences in lasers and help you choose the method that will work best for your skin and hair type.
