975 Johnson Ferry Rd NE Ste 460
Atlanta, GA 30342
PH: (404) 832-0300

WIFH is one of the country's first Concierge Medical and Aesthetics Practices dedicated to providing excellent laser aesthetic services and care to its patients. We are a very unique medical practice devoted to outstanding service to our patients and we are NOT a MediSpa! In fact, we were recently named Atlanta's first Laser Center of Excellence! Dr. Kulkin, nationally recognized physician and laser expert, specializes in Laser Hair Removal and other Laser Aesthetic Procedures such as treatment of spider veins, facial vessels, and skin rejuvenation, for both men and women. He is in the office full time! We've now done over ninety thousand laser sessions with great results. Dr. Kulkin actually travels the country training hundreds of doctors to use hair removal lasers. Doctors from around the world come to WIFH to learn our laser techniques as well. Visit out In the News page to see the accolades we have received!

By the time you get to our web site you have probably been considering having laser hair removal done for some time. You've probably seen storefront clinics or national laser hair removal chains offering laser services operating under the "supervision" of an off-site board certified doctor. Many of the providers in these facilities are RN's, LPN's and estheticians who have had no experience with lasers prior to their 1-2 weeks training in a corporate setting or by a laser salesman for a few hours. It really requires years of laser experience and an in depth understanding of laser physics to safely use a laser to get great results. Dr. Kulkin has years of surgical laser experience and our Physicians Assistants and Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners , have received hundreds of hours of direct one on one training by Dr. Kulkin. Dr. Kulkin is involved in the care of every patient, reviewing progress and suggesting different approaches to each patient's unique needs. We also attend the Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery meetings as well as other laser training seminars with leading experts in the field. We also treat spider veins, facial blood vessels, sun damaged skin, acne scars and surgery scars as well as wrinkle treatments including Botox and Restylane and the Affirm laser. We invite you to explore our site and see what laser hair removal and laser esthetics can do for you. Look great, save time and money. We know you'll agree, Women's Institute for Health is the place for you!

Contact our Patient Concierge by email or call 404-832-0300 with questions or to make an appointment. We also can arrange for a free demonstration in our office. We know you'll be pleased. Register now to receive our newsletter and special offers.
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