3400-C Old Milton Parkway
Suite 190
Alpharetta, GA 30005
Phone: 404.832.0300
Fax: 404-832-0070
The Process
By the time you search Atlanta laser hair removal you've probably been considering laser hair removal for some time. Perhaps you've even heard commercials for national laser hair removal chains or local medi-spas, calling themselves experts and offering laser services under the "supervision" of a Medical Director, or that their lasers are superior and are designed to only for laser hair removal. We caution you to be careful. Most of these Medical Directors/Physicians are only in the office a few hours each week to perform administrative work; they don’t actually perform laser services or have any laser training. The practitioners that do perform their laser services receive a one to two week “intense†training course in their corporate headquarters. All of these things make it difficult for you, the consumer, to figure out where to go.
What makes WIFH Different
* WIFH is a medical practice specializing is laser aesthetics. We are dedicated to making Atlanta Laser Hair Removal a safe and effective process.
* We are committed to delivering superior customer service. We respect your time so we make it a priority to begin all appointments on time.
* We have performed over 100,000 procedures without one major complication.
* Dr. Kulkin is in the office each and every day treating patients and overseeing each and every patient’s progress. If you prefer, you can request to see only Dr. Kulkin for your treatments.
* Dr. Kulkin is a world recognized laser expert. He has trained hundreds of doctors and continues to train doctors around the world in his unique techniques to achieve great results. He is the only doctor in his specialty, in Georgia, to have been awarded the highest designation of Fellow, by the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery.
* Dr. Kulkin has personally trained his staff of Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and our Medical Aesthetician. Dr. Kulkin and his staff are recognized in academic circles as experts and are often called upon to train other doctors and nurses in laser physics and techniques. While anyone can call themselves an expert, we believe we have earned the right to do so.
* Since we use lasers all day every day, we know lasers don’t just perform laser hair removal. In fact, we have lasers for skin rejuvenation, spider vein or facial vessel treatment, Rosacea, and even Smartlipo.
How does the laser hair removal process work?
We all know that you get warmer, faster standing in the sun with a dark colored shirt than someone wearing a white colored shirt. Laser hair removal works by the same principle.
A hair's pigment, that substance that gives hair its color, absorbs the laser energy and converts that energy into heat. It is the heat that permanently destroys the hair follicle, making it unable to produce hair. So, you see, we aren’t actually removing hair, we are permanently reducing the number of follicles that are able to make hair.
All of our laser hair removal packages include 8-sessions. The most recent research conducted by the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery concluded that patients need in excess of 6-9 treatments for the best result. Don’t fret, although you will need to come in for 8-sessions, you will see a reduction after each and every treatment. A single laser pulse treats hundreds of follicles in a fraction of a second, that means that a visit to our office for a laser treatment take just a few minutes out of your busy day.
Contact our Patient Concierge by email or call 404-832-0300 with questions or to make an appointment. We also can arrange for a free demonstration in our office. We know you'll be pleased. Register now to receive our newsletter and special offers.
